Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Carrabelle Beach

I took so many photos during this trip that I will make a few installments. John and I drove to Carrabelle Beach (on the panhandle) and arrived near sunrise. We drove down to the beach and caught the sunrise over the water.

A lot of the photos involved feet/footprints/and hands so I figured I'd gather those all in the first post.

Sunrise and shell at carrabelle beach, originally uploaded by queenofthemoodswingset2.

This is one of the hermit crab shells with the sunrise in the background.

sand spur in toes, originally uploaded by queenofthemoodswingset2.

I walked on the dunes to take a photo of a beach ball and was not paying enough attention (apparently) to the sand spurs. These actually made me bleed!

my sandy toes, originally uploaded by queenofthemoodswingset2.

hobbit feet, originally uploaded by queenofthemoodswingset2.

There are more to come!

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