What a way to start a recipe post, huh?
I hate rice. I will eat rice if it's smothered with something delicious and international. And even then, I'd rather lick a plate clean of all kinds of goo than have the deliciousness taken up by rice. The smell of rice cooking makes me think of dogs, and the texture of it between my teeth makes me think of organisms that I won't write about here. You're welcome.
But I find myself surrounded by a bunch of weirdo rice pudding lovers, and I've never actually made rice pudding before. So I figured, hey... it's still gross.
This recipe was interesting because, unlike many others I saw, it doesn't require eggs; I guess the starch in the rice provides all the thickening power. I made this partially for a person who isn't a huge fan of spices; if not for that, I might have cooked the pudding with a cinnamon stick floating around in it, then fished it out at the end. I might do that next time (next time? psh).
Rice Pudding (adapted from the recipe at America's Test Kitchen, which I cannot link to because it's a paid site that I didn't pay for, but that's another story.)
1 cup medium-grain white rice
1 pinch salt
4 cups 2% milk
1 cup cream (not heavy whipping cream)
1/3 plus 2 tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla (I used vanilla bean paste)
Another pinch or two of salt
Cinnamon, nutmeg, or whatever else
Combine the rice, pinch of salt, and 2 cups of water in a medium-large pot. Cover and cook until all liquid is absorbed, about 25 minutes.
Stir in the milk, cream, and sugar. Heat over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until mixture begins to boil. Turn heat down to maintain simmer and cook, stirring frequently, until mixture thickens, about 15 minutes. When mixture is fairly thickened, turn heat down to low and continue cooking, stirring more frequently, until mixture thickens further, maybe another 15 minutes. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Add pinches of salt as needed. Season with cinnamon, nutmeg, or whatever else.
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